Drive Through Program

You may now reserve your box in advance.
Sign up below!

If you do not reserve in advance, you will now need to sign in each time you visit the drive through.  If you’ve ever visited our Ellis Street Free Grocery Service, then we likely already have an account for you in our system. If you haven’t visited our Ellis Street Free Grocery Service, we will set you up with an account. We will ask for:  

  • Your Name
  • The names of the adults in your household
  • Your Address
  • The ages of all people in your household

We will not ask for income verification or address verification and we do not need to see any ‘official’ forms.

How does reserving in advance benefit me? There are a few reasons to reserve in advance, as opposed to registering on-site: 

  • Guarantee of preferred box type: Whether you prefer the Basic, Latin American, Vegan, or Gluten-Free box, reserving in advance ensures you receive your preferred choice.
  • Faster Car Line: There are separate lines for reserved and non-reserved boxes, with the ‘reserved’ line expected to move more efficiently.
  • Pick Up For Two Households:  Due to capacity constraints, we’ve limited drive-through users to one box per household for some time. However, by reserving in advance, you’ll once again have the option to pick up for two households (BOTH need to be reserved in advance).

Do I need a reservation to get a box?

You can come without a reservation and still get a box. We can show you how to sign up. 

Why are we making this change? 

There is a significant funding source that requires us to collect specific information including names, addresses, and ages of household members. While we’ve previously operated our Drive-Through service without complying with this request, we’ve now reached a point where compliance is necessary. It will be similar to the check in process at the Free Grocery Program at 1824 Ellis St.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are reservations required? 

Reservations are strongly recommended but not required. 

Can you guarantee that I will receive the box type, diapers, formula, and menstrual supplies I want if I reserve a box? 


If I don’t make a reservation in advance, will I still be required to sign-in on site and share my information?
Yes, you will need to sign in on site. If you’ve ever visited our Ellis Street Free Grocery Service, then we likely already have an account for you in our system. If you haven’t visited our Ellis Street Free Grocery Service, we will set you up with an account. We will ask for:  

  • Your Name
  • The names of the adults in your household
  • Your Address
  • The ages of all people in your household

We will not ask for income verification or address verification and we do not need to see any ‘official’ forms.

I use the drive through for confidentiality reasons–I value not having to share my name and address. Can this still be accommodated? 

Bellingham Food Bank takes client confidentiality very seriously and does not share information with any other agencies or organizations for any reason. That said, please speak with our staff at the drive through and we will be sure you are able to receive food no matter what. 

If I show up at the drive through without reserving in advance, will I be able to get a box? 

Probably, but you may not receive your first-choice box type.  We will bring 599 boxes to the drive through each week because that is how many we can fit in our trucks. As more people begin to make reservations, there will be fewer boxes available on a non-reserved basis.

If I show up at the drive through without a reservation, will I be able to get diapers, formula, and menstrual supplies? 

Probably, but it can’t be guaranteed. We will continue to bring the same amount that we have always brought, but of that inventory, those that are reserved will be set aside and unavailable to those who have not reserved in advance.

When can reservations be made? 

Reservations can be made online any time EXCEPT for between 9:00 and 3:00 on Tuesdays. The form will be closed during that time for maintenance. Reservations made before 9:00 AM will be for that current Tuesday, when the form re-opens at 3pm they will be for the following Tuesday (one week from date). 

What is the deadline to reserve? 

Reservations must be made by or before 9:00 AM on Tuesday in order to pick up on that same Tuesday. 

Can I reserve for a future Tuesday that is not the upcoming Tuesday? Can I make an on-going reservation?

No, you may not make an on-going reservation or reserve for any Tuesday besides the upcoming one. **There is a possibility that we would work towards this if it’s something that people show interest in.**

Can I pick up baby formula and diapers more than once a week ?

No. Our current limits are the same across all Bellingham Food Bank services. You can not get extra baby formula or diapers by going to the Drive Through in addition to the Free Grocery Program at Ellis street.

Can I pick up for more than one household? 

You may pick up for a second household ONLY if you have reserved BOTH boxes in advance. This option is ONLY available to those who reserve in advance.

My mom reserved a box, and my sister reserved a box, and I reserved a box. Can I pick up their two boxes in addition to my box? 

No. You may pick up for only 2 households at a time, even if those households reserved separately from you. 

If I reserve a box but need to cancel it, how can I do this? 

You may call or email to cancel. The phone number to call is 360.676.0392. If we do not answer, leave a message with your name and phone number and we will contact you to confirm the cancellation. The email address is It is not possible to cancel via the online form. 

What happens if I reserve a box and I do not cancel in advance and I do not come to pick it up? 

If it happens more than twice within 6 months, you will not be permitted to use our reservation service. As long as you call or email to cancel by 3:00 on the day of service, you will not be penalized.

Will No-Cook Bags still be available? 

Yes, but they cannot be reserved in advance.

Can I come through the drive through more than once in a day? 

No, you may only come through the drive through once per day. 

How can I make a reservation if I don’t have a computer? 

You are welcome to call 360.676.0392 and we can help you to make your reservation. You can also receive assistance making a reservation for the following week when you are on-site picking up a box.

Why don’t you want people to use both services? 

The drive through service is expensive to operate and labor intensive. If you can use our Ellis Street service instead please do. 

Can I receive home delivery boxes if I also pick up at the drive through?

No you may not. If you come to the drive through to pick up a box, we request that you cancel your home delivery service.

I don’t speak English. How will I be able to use the reservation system? 

The form can be translated into the following 8 languages: Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Ukrainian, Arabic, Vietnamese, and Punjabi.  We have BFB staff who are fluent in Spanish and can help with over-the-phone sign-ups. For other languages, we will work to be sure we can serve you. 

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